A movie poster for the film Flubber


Can you...?

If it's movie poster related, the answer is probably 'YES'. Just ask and we’ll try and make it happen.

How do I know I can trust you?

We are passionate about original movie posters and providing amazing customer service. Like you, we shop on-line and we have also had bad experiences. We try REALLY HARD to make sure your poster buying experience is a fantastic one. We treat each and every order as if you were face to face, from the moment you find us, to the moment your poster arrives in your hand. 

Don’t just take our word for it, check out our customer reviews.


Do you really have all of these movie posters?

Yes! We have spent years searching all over the world for the best original movie posters we can find. Every poster you see on the website is original, in stock and immediately available.

Do your posters come with certificates of authenticity?

Yes. All of our posters come with our certificate of authenticity and our life-time guarantee (see below).

I see you offer framing, how does that work?

It is really easy! We have created a dedicated FAQ for Custom Framing.

I haven't heard of Light Boxes, what are they?

They are the best way to display your double-sided movie posters! We have created a dedicated FAQ for Light Boxes.

What are the black and white circles or squares I can see on the posters?

During photography, each poster is held still with magnets. These are removed after the poster is photographed and they do not leave any mark on the poster.

How much is shipping outside of the UK?

Shipping inside the United Kingdom is free for everything. We also provide free delivery for Overseas orders over £250 (or equivalent in local currency). 

For Overseas orders under £250, we charge a flat fee of £30 (or equivalent in local currency) to cover the additional costs of ensuring your poster arrives safely. That doesn’t always cover our costs, but we think it’s important that you can see the total price before you buy and this keeps things simple.

Please note that the COVID pandemic resulted in a higher volume of packages and extreme strain on International courier networks and this has remained the case post-pandemic. We are therefore currently unable to ship frames and Light Boxes outside of the UK. (Posters are absolutely fine and we ship Internationally most days.)

I see you plant trees with every order. How does that work?

Since March 2021, we have worked with environment organisation Ecologi to finance planting of trees for every single order we have received. To date, we have funded tree planting in Madagascar, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.

We plant trees with Ecologi

Even though we are a small family run company, that isn't enough. In 2024 we are committed to looking at what more we can do to reduce our own carbon footprint.

In the meantime, you can find out more about our tree planting in this blog post.

What is Klarna and how does it work?

We have partnered with Klarna to offer a flexible way for you to pay for your Art of the Movies order, by spreading the cost across three interest free payments.

Klarna and Art of the Movies FAQ


We have a dedicated FAQ for Klarna.

What does your guarantee mean?

Our guarantee means your purchase of a poster is risk free.

We only source from reputable sources, many of whom we have dealt with for years.

We are extremely confident of every poster we sell. If we are ever in doubt, we do not offer the poster for sale. 

If, having purchased, your poster is ever found to be anything other than a 100% original movie poster, return the poster to us and we will refund you, including your shipping costs.

How do you rate condition?

Condition rating scales are always subjective. We encourage you to use the photos we provide (which are always of the actual poster you are purchasing), rather than the text.

That said, condition rating is commonly used, and so we do provide ratings. 

We follow the rating of the largest auction house. In summary:

Excellent (previously called 'Fine')

This item is in astonishing condition! If at all, It has the MOST MINOR of imperfections and has survived in really wonderful condition! (This is reserved for the ‘unicorn posters’.)

Very Good to Excellent (previously called 'Very Good to Fine')

This item has only a few VERY minor imperfections. In many cases, you may not be able to spot them.

Very Good

This item has survived in very good condition, but has some relatively minor imperfections. If they are within the image, they are not very distracting at all, or they may be in the blank borders, where they will not show when the item is displayed.

Good to Very Good

This item has some clear imperfections. If they are within the image, they are likely noticeable, but not very distracting, or they may be in the blank borders, where they will not show when the item is displayed.


This item has some significant imperfections. If they are within the image, they are likely quite noticeable, and they may be in the blank borders, where they may be more significant.


This item has major significant imperfections. If they are within the image, they are likely quite noticeable and distracting, and they may be in the blank borders, where they may be even more significant.


This item has REALLY major imperfections. If they are within the image, they are likely quite noticeable and distracting, and they may be in the blank borders, where they may be even more significant.

But please do use the photos we provide. Close inspection of those will tell you a lot more than a short condition rating.

What is an original movie poster?

An original movie poster is a poster that was issued by a movie studio, or by another company authorised by the studio, for display in a cinema, or for promotional use at the time of a film’s release.

Posters that were made to be sold to the public are classed as reproductions or reprints and are not classed as original movie posters, even if they were printed around the time of the film’s release.

Film posters may be updated (for example, to reflect awards, or reviews). A great recent example is for the film “La La Land”, where the original ‘pre-awards’ poster is actually quite rare.

Some films are also re-released (consider the original Star Wars films, or many Disney cartoons, for example). Posters for re-released films are also classed as original movie posters. (Where a poster is for a re-release of a film, we always try to describe it as so.)

Older posters, produced for films prior to the mid 1980’s were usually (but not always) issued folded while newer posters are almost always issued rolled (but again, not always).

Usually, the older the poster, the rarer it is, but again, there are exceptions to the rule. The film “Moon” (Duncan Jones, 2009) is a great example of a recent film poster that is a super piece of minimalist design, and really hard to get hold of.

All told, an original movie poster should link directly to the movie studio that released a film.

Here at Art of the Movies, we are passionate about posters that invoke a response, be that due to a memory of the film, or as a reaction to a super piece of art or design on the poster itself.

Why should I buy an original movie poster rather than a reproduction?

A vintage original movie poster has a direct connection to the film that it was created to publicise. The production team will have considered numerous designs, potentially working with a variety of artists. The poster they finally selected represented everything they wanted to say about their creation. It was, perhaps, as important as the film itself.

The posters we sell (we do not sell reproductions) extend that connection. They have been distributed to cinemas and have told a story to the public. Then, when the film closed, someone cared for them. They weren't binned. They weren't pulped. Someone loved them enough to save them, and, perhaps, to cherish them, often for decades.

That history, sometimes visible in the form of wrinkles or pin-holes, can be felt in the poster. It is as much a vintage piece as your favourite 1960’s sideboard or Victorian fireplace. It has an honesty and an originality that can't be gained from a reproduction.

Are movie posters an investment?

We've explored this topic in a blog post. Here is a summary...

As with any art or piece of décor for your home, you should buy what you love. A trophy piece of art, bought only for its value, will not bring you the long-term enjoyment of a piece of art that you feel a connection with.

That said, uncertain returns in the financial markets have contributed to many considering art as a potential investment vehicle. This has lead to fine art records being broken at auction houses, and, the rebirth of the art print market. Even a print on paper from a modern, non-traditional artist, such as Banksy, will now cost many thousands of pounds.

Over the past ten years, there has been an increasing interest in movie posters. They are recognised as an affordable and accessible art form with an extremely wide range of aesthetically pleasing choices. Prices for old posters are rising, as are the values of posters from the most popular films of the last 30 years.

However, as with all investments, there is no certainty. We hope that you will enjoy looking through our collections and will find at least one poster that you love, to hang and enjoy in your home. If the market does continue to move upwards, so be it. If not, you will have had many years of enjoyment from a stunning piece of art and that, is priceless.

So what should I expect?

Remember that you are buying a unique piece of movie history.

There are rare occasions, highly sought after by collectors, where a movie poster has survived through the ages in perfect condition. These are the ‘unicorn posters’ and they command a very significant investment.

We try to find the very best examples we can. Most people are amazed when they receive a poster that we rate ‘Very Good to Excellent’. It will be near perfect.

Pre the 1980’s, many posters were issued folded, Some may have spent a few years on someone’s wall, or in a loft. They will carry the signs of that. Where that is the case, we will always accurately describe them to you.

Conservation techniques, such as linen-backing (see below) can work wonders on folds, wrinkles and tears. (Some of our posters are linen-backed, and again, we’ll always tell you that.)

If desired, restoration can also be undertaken to address issues that particularly offend the eye.

But, fundamentally, we do not sell reproductions; we only sell original pieces, sourced from around the world. They will have lived (in many cases for 50 or 60 years) and just like us, they may carry a few wrinkles and scars.

That’s part of their story. Like a beautiful piece of antique furniture, that’s what makes them unique.

What is linen-backing and can posters be restored?

This blog post will help answer that question. In addition, the following explanation is a great one, from the International Vintage Poster Dealers Association…

Linen Backing is a conservation method used to mount and preserve vintage posters so they can be displayed or framed without compromising value. Damaged posters are stabilized through linen backing and restoration to protect the poster from further damage. Linen backing holds the poster flat and smooth allowing it to be easily handled, stored or framed.

Most vintage posters have suffered tears, folds and losses over the years. This makes them look frayed and irreparable. Don't let this discourage you. An experienced restorer is capable of bringing a damaged poster back to life. Folds can be easily flattened once the poster has been linen backed and tears can be positioned back together. This first step of the linen backing process is the back-bone of bringing your poster back to life.

Once linen backed, these folds and tears can be made to virtually disappear when a restoration artist carefully restores colour loss using coloured pencils and watercolour paints. Losses can be replaced by using a piece of another poster to fill the loss. Most expert restorers have a large archive of scrap posters, which can be used to replace most losses. A properly restored poster can look dramatically better than its former self.

If a poster is not linen-backed, we can arrange that for you. The same is true of restoration. We work with superb paper conservators and restorers, recognised by the Institute of Conservation Register of Accredited Conservators (ICON). 

Can I come and see a poster?

Yes, of course! Like many galleries today, we do not have a physical store on a high-street, but we have a lovely space that we can welcome you to. We work by appointment, so do contact us if you would like to come and see us. We would be delighted to spend as long as you need to look at any posters that have caught your eye. (We also make a mean coffee, tea or juice.)

We are based near beautiful and historic St. Albans in Hertfordshire, just north of London, close to Junction 6 of the M1 and Junction 21a of the M25.

If you aren’t able to visit us, do contact us. We may be able to come to you.

Have another question?

We are a friendly bunch and we are here to help, just ask us!